

Sometimes I break into tears thinking about my mom.
Sometimes I ignore calls, just wanting to be alone.
Sometimes I get really scared of my future.
Sometimes no matter how hard I try not to, I have nightmares.
Sometimes I feel as though I never told her how much she meant to me.
Sometimes there are no words to explain how I feel.
Sometimes I wish everyone had to be without a mom.
Sometimes I laugh out loud thinking of the way my mom and I would talk.
Sometimes I close my eyes and pretend this isn't the end.
Sometimes I think I talk too much about loosing my mom.
Sometimes I can't think about anything else anyway.
Sometimes I feel like drinking the pain away.
Sometimes I remember how hard I tried to let her know what an amazing person she was.

" Thank you for showing me how to be strong
when things get hard. I love you!

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