

Am I the only geek who gets a good laugh out of the lolz cats and dogs? Yes I understand this is a nerd thing, but I laugh every time. My mom and I use to sit around and look at these all the time, by the time we were done tears were streaming down our face with laughter. Here are some that made me laugh today. Enjoy.

And for all you cat lovers these are just for you...

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

Marika said...

3 Things:

1. The poemy thing (was that a poem? I never really know when things are poems, unless they rhyme) was awesome. It really is those things that you miss about loved ones who have passed. I'm glad that you can laugh at yourself thinking about yourselves :)

2. I, also, am looking forward to scarves, socks, and hot chocolate. Come over and I'll make you some homemadey kind! Although, I'm in the Denver Airport and it's like 42 degrees outside right now.

3. If you love Lolz, check out myfirstfail.com. LOVE IT! I pretty much love the whole icanhazcheeseburger network.