
'Cause I don't care for your fairytales

My PIC brought up a good topic the other day, fairytale endings. Are they possible? Or just that, a fairytale?

If you are looking for a bubbly optimistic idea from me that happily ever after happens, turn back now. Because if you were honest with yourself you would know that doesn't happen, at least not in this life.

I think most successful marriages are the hardest thing you and your partner will ever have to do. There will be tears, broken dishes, and "I was wrong" speeches happening all the time. You will have to cover your wandering eyes, seal your hateful lips, and more importantly tune out your ears from the fairytale believers.

Us silly girls are raised with the idea fairytale endings happen. You just have to find the right guy, and your problems are solved. Isn't that what all the Disney's Princesses teach us?

What happens after they both ride away on their white horse towards the sunset? Most of us sigh and leave the story at that. However, it is only the beginning. I think Sara Bareilles' lyrics and Dina Goldstein's pictures say it best as to where our beloved Princesses are now.

Cinderella's on the bedroom floor. She's got a crush on the guy at the liquor store. Cause Mr. Charming don't come home anymore, and she forgets why she came here.

Sleeping Beauty's in a foul mood. "For shame" she says, "None for you dear prince, I'm tired today. I'd rather sleep my whole life away than have you keep me from dreaming".

Snow White is doing dishes again. Cause what else can you do with seven itty-bitty men? Sends them to bed and she calls up a friend. Says "Will you meet me at midnight?"

The tall blonde lets out a cry of despair says "Would have cut it myself if I knew men could climb hair. I'll have to find another tower somewhere and keep away from windows."

Do fairytales happen? Nope. But can you make the best out of your own story's ending? Yes.

I think you'll find that is the ending you were waiting for all along.


Heather said...


I actually struggled quite a bit with deciding whether or not I should marry Josh because things were different than I thought they were supposed to be. And different from the way so many women pretend that their relationships are. I am a firm believer that we only do each other harm when we pretend everything is perfect, so well done in saying it like it is. Sure, it's wrong to be pessimistic and say nothing is good, but those happy endings don't come without hard work and all the crap in the middle.

Guereca Family said...

Beautifully said.

HaLaine said...

Yah whoa. Way to say it Rachel...and way to figure out this young.

Acetylene said...

umm.. ditto. :)

Alaina Ione said...

Excellent! Well said! ...just like everyone is saying. Ha. Couldn't helpt but add my voice. =D