
Have you ever?

Have you ever had an embarrassing bruise on your body? I am lucky to not bruise very often but when I do it looks like hell.

Exhibit A:
(and really it is looking pretty decent in this picture from the black it was the day before)

This pretty baby has been getting a lot of attention these days. Being right on my arm I get a lot of people who suddenly scream...

"What happened to you!?!"

I first want to tell them to calm down, and to let go of my bruised arm they are squeezing onto. No seriously, this has happened to me a few times this week. I'm embarrassed because the story is silly. It isn't easy to hold a conversation in the elevator where I say,

"Well you see, I wash my dog in the shower because it's easier to wash him that way. He is also a dog who likes to squirm around, and while we were both in the shower together my dog freaked out and jumped onto me. In which I fell through the door of the shower grabbing onto whatever I could on the way down. The next thing I knew I had a bruise on my arm"

Most of them responded back to my story with...

"Alright, who beats you?"

As of right now, I'm sticking to jackets and long sleeved shirts.

1 comment:

Shawn said...

Ouch! I have the same problem---I bruise so easily! Sometimes, I'm like----"where did that come from?"

I'm coming into town next week---and am getting with a few blogging chiquitas there on the next Monday night----the 19th----do you think that you could come? YAY!

e-mail me!!