
The Regmister

I've been meaning to get my own Jana Laurene painting for a while now. She has this amazing talent and mostly paints kids. I e-mailed her asking if she was willing to do a painting of my kid, Reggie. It was her first time tackling the job of painting an animal, and it turned out better then I could have hoped for! This was the picture I sent to her.

And this is what I received in the mail last month.

It fits right in with the rest of my room, especially the barbie pink walls. I am excited to order more paintings from her, the next one will probably be my mom. Check Jana's blog out and make sure to get one of your own!


Heather said...

Seriously awesome. I'm so jealous you get to have such a sweet dog.

jana beck said...


so fun to see this on your blog - i was even thinking to e-mail you today and told you that i had posted it!