
Ash Wednesday

Today it begins.

For those of you who do not know Lent is a forty day long season of fasting and prayer before Easter. Many Christians show their respect for Christ and his forty days in the desert by picking something in their lives they will give up for the time period. The whole thing is very humble. Even if you are not a religious person giving something up to better yourself for such a short amount of time is worth it.

So after some thinking I have decided for Lent I am giving up swearing. Which really sounds silly I know. However, I have been in a habit of swearing a lot - I am less then pleased about it. It will take a conscious effort to come up with other words and to change my thought process. In the past I have given up caffeine or some sort of sweets. The reality is this year I love my coca-cola far to much. If it wasn't my vice in my stressful student life I may have done that again.

I am POSITIVE a lot of gosh - heck - darn - flip - wowzas are going to be flying out of my mouth until Easter. Who knows, by then I may not even care about swearing anymore.

Today it begins.


**Update - I've already sworn twice today. I WILL do better though.


Michael said...

try wearing a rubberband on your wrist, and every time you want to swear just flick it...works unless you get pissed and swear more...just a thought though!

Carrot said...

I think this is awesome! You have inspired me to give up something myself! Way to go and good luck to us both!