
Breaking Free

Uh oh... I feel a sin coming on...

Every once in a while I have this itch. An itch to do crazy irrational things. I want to tattoo my entire arm, move across the world, pierce all the wrong places, dye my hair bright pink, dance on some bar tables, kiss random strangers, get into a fist fight, quit my job in a blaze of glory, smoke a pack of cigarettes, gamble all my money away, and listen to Limp Bizkit.

Oh thats right...I said it.

Why do I have this overwhelming need to unleash my inner rebel? I feel as though at least twice a year I go through a phase where I am constantly trying to suppress my impulses. Does anyone else feel that way?

I think it stems from my teenager days. Not giving a damn about life caused me to do some silly things. I did almost all of the list given above (I'll let you be the judge of which I didn't do). Obviously that wasn't the mature thing to do with my life. However, to say I didn't have fun while doing it would be a lie. I get some sort of high or rush of doing things I know I probably shouldn't be doing. Now that things in my life are different and I have it together I miss those silly, silly days. I wish I could figure out an outlet for all of this pent up energy.

What's a girl to do?


Shawn said...

Oh, I am with you, girl. It gets worse when you get older and your inside still feels young and wild---you want to take a holy tantrum sometimes!

I usually just get on stage and wail---wearing sequins and naughty fishnets---it helps me to get it out...

Brandon Wilde said...

Go ahead and rebel. Why not? So long as nobody gets hurt, there's nothing wrong with a bit of sin every now and then. I sin regularly, just because I can.