One of my insecurities is my relationship. I have this really hard time not comparing mine to others. Especially people who are closer to me or that I have been friends with for years. Today I have been catching up on blogs of friends. Over half of them talk about getting married and/or being married soon to their significant other.
This makes me sick to my stomach.
I read about their relationships from when they met to when the massive ring is placed on the left hand. What? Am I missing something here?
Here are a few time lines of some of my friends.
Friend #1:
Meet in April 08 - start dating a week later.
June 08 - They realize they are both are madly in love
November 08 - Hitched.
Friend #2:
October 08 - start dating
November 08 - Head-over-heels in love
January 09 - Engaged
May 09 - Marriage date
(And my personal favorite...)
Friend #3:
January 08 - start dating
Febuary 08 - in love AND engaged!
April 08 - Tied the knot.
WHAT?! REALLY PEOPLE? Three months? No WAY can you know someone well enough to marry them. That is crazy talk right there. Do I believe in love at first sight? No way. You may have a major crush on them but you are not in love with them from first sight. I feel only ignorant people say things like that. Sure the thought is nice, but not real. I even had a friend who was planning her wedding to this guy before he even proposed. She had the dress, the shoes, the venue. Where is the fun or surprise in THAT?
Anyway - my logic side knows that is crazy talk. If only my irrational side would listen to the logic side instead of whispering in my ear all the time.
"You've been dating the guy since October. Shouldn't you be in love with him yet? What? You are not sure? Well hell - look at everyone else. They knew right from the git go. Are you waisting time? Because obviously if you don't know within the few first months it's doomed. Oh right - I forgot, you can't fall in love. You're broken."
If I could beat up that side to me I would. Give it a few black eyes and a split lip. Maybe it wouldn't be bothering me so much if my friends and family wouldn't get disappointed when I tell them I am not in love with Brandon right now, that I just really like the guy and will see where it goes. I know everyone is different and you just do what works for you. I plan on keeping on doing what I am doing and figure if things are right they will work out. I can't but wonder though...
Is this how normal people work? Or am I stuck with this sick world of instant love?
Don't ever talk yourself into loving someone. EVER.
You will know when it's right and then you won't remember what it was ever like to be without it.
My husband and I knew each other 1 year before we started dating and then dated for almost 1 1/2 years before we got engaged and married:) So no everyone is not like that. You will know when it is the right person and right time for you and then you will not have any doubts!! Until then just enjoy dating and having fun (that is how you get to know someone and find out whether it is "love" or not):)
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