
Spring is in the air

Oh sun how I have missed your gentle rays on my face. It's been far, far too long.

My blood pumps faster knowing the first official day of spring is this Friday. I have so much I want to do this summer. I keep thinking of new exciting things to do and I am going to make a list. Mark my words I will have completed all of these things by the time my birthday gets here.

- Going to the zoo
- Hiking to donut falls again (If they still let you. I'm not sure you can anymore.)
- Getting some great shots of the Great Salt Lake (no matter how stinky it is)
- Go to Antelope island
- Festival of Colors
- Many random photo shoots with my sister
- Hitting up Cedar City (maybe even hike while there - no promises though)
- Work on my bowling skills
- Biking in Provo Canyon
- Many MANY trips to the dog park
- Watch movies at the drive-in
- Have random BBQs
- Play basketball with my brothers
- Check out Arches National Park
- Take pictures at Utah's Salt Flats

Isn't summer wonderful?


Jill said...

yay! you love summer too! :) :) :)

Trent said...

yay for another cedar trip!!!!!!!!!

Shawn said...

Hope you can get everything done that you want----I adore spring, too!

Carrot said...

If you need company for any of these....Count me IN! :)

Brandon Wilde said...

A worthy quest. If they won't let you go to donut falls sounds like another reason to go there anyway. The Great Salt Lake smells like tulips and daisies if you ever find yourself in the right frame of mind. Antelope Island. Nuff Said. Arches National Park is both the best and the worst place in the world, simultaneously. I highly recommend it. And the truth of all existence can be found at the Salt Flats.

Your list is excellent. I would only add the Great Salt Lake Cruise, and I have an unreasonable desire to drive my car along the Pony Express road from Gold Hill, to Lehi, Utah for a strange photo adventure. But I don't expect many people to be into that one.

Jill said...

I need your address.