Let's talk rings! And I'm not talking about your average CTR ring, I'm talking bridal rings baby!
Last night me and my PIC went bridal ring shopping for some ideas to give back to her boyfriend. [Don't get excited people, I am perfectly fine
not being married right now]. However, I couldn't help but look around myself. I sure did learn some things like...
A) I apparently have expensive taste. I was told several times by the PIC and the sales men. Which brings me to my first question... how much is too much for your engagement ring? I understand it should be 3 months salary of what your man makes, but I think that is all crap anyway.
This is a ring you will have for a
lifetime if not longer, why oh why go cheep? Most of the rings I were looking at were around 3,000 - 5,000 dollars. I personally think that is very reasonable. Am I out of my mind here?
Wait! Before you answer that question imagine yourself wearing one of these pretty babies...
[Priced at 2,200.00]
[Priced at 3,000.00]
Here comes my favorite...
[Priced at 3,300.00]
b e a u t i f u l.
I'm sorry, but if you don't shell out a good looking ring for me - our engagement is just going to have to wait. Ugh, I sound like a giant gold digger, but it is what it is. I view a ring as a promise of what is to come for the rest of your life. No room or time for crap rings. I gasped in horror when I heard a story of a girl at our work getting a two ct diamond ring that was FAKE. Seriously honey, If you want to be walking around with a giant diamond ring like that - you gotta have the real deal.
The PIC was a little more reasonable than me I guess you could say. She really liked the triangle cut.
[Priced 1,700.00]
She liked the band to be simple [as do I, actually] with the diamond that doesn't sit too high on the ring.
Are you writing all this down Ryan?
I have officially decided I want a round cut. I think it is classic and timeless which is exactly what I am looking for.
I also learned
B) If you are a salesman that says "gay", "sick", "idiot", "dumb wedding crap" to me, I'm going elsewhere with my money, thanks.
**On a side note I was totally busted while looking up wedding rings online for this blog. The guys at work seriously have a pool of money about when I am going to get engaged. Most of them are saying either by December of this year or April of next. Are they crazy? Why all the pressure boys? Anyway I was totally caught looking at them by the boys at work. The following conversation happened...
T: What is that?!
[I am frantically trying to minimize the web browser]
R: Uhhh... this isn't what it looks like.
T: Oh I think this is exactly what it looks like.
[My attempts fail and he pulls back up the web browser which is showing PIC's triangle wedding ring picture]
T: Well would you look at that? [Hums the wedding march]
R: Actually, this isn't about me. It's about KaraLee.
T: Oh yeah? And I bet you are going to tell me this is the ring she wants?
R: Actually, this is the ring she likes - I'm more of a round diamond girl myself.
[Long pause]
T: Is it really "KaraLee's" taste in a ring?
R: Yes
T: Oh really? [Sacrastically of course]
R: Really.
T: Really Really?
T: Really, really, really?
T: Hey Dan! Get over here! Rachel is getting engaged.
[ The peanut gallery starts making silly comments]
R: Seriously! I'm not getting engaged you can all calm down now.
[an even longer, more awkward silence happens...]
Oh man, I am still laughing just thinking about it. In the mean time though I'm thinking of buying myself a nicer ring then the ones I already wear.
It's my birthday stone. Isn't it pretty?
So tell me about your thoughts. To splurge or not to splurge?