
Being Fake

Getting my nails did is always one of my favorite past times. It's amazing what a couple of fake nails can do to your self esteem.

Now that I am out of school for a break that means I have no clinic shifts. No clinic shifts = no need for short blunt nails.

Being a girl does have its perks.

The boys at work are excited for my nails too. They see it as an investment into a great back scracher. Two have already come by my desk today for some fake nail lovin'.


Hannah Neville McMillan said...

they look good! I've always wanted to do fake but never have.... perhaps you have inspired me. ;)

Jill said...

Am I a total tom boy or what? I have never had fake nails and i love, love, love my nails to be very short and not painted...my toenails can be painted...but ...weird, right?