
Broke as a Joke

I've had it coming for a while now... and let me tell you, it ain't pretty.

I officially have $2.16 in my savings. ouch.

My wonderful ride has had a shady tire for a while now. The last time I got an oil change they told me I'd have to keep an eye on that tire because it was getting worn down. Well, today my friends was my lucky day. I had my first (and hopefully last) tire blow out. No worries, I am fine and the car looks for the most part the same. I got my car to trusty big o's and not only was I in need of getting that tire replaced they said my other front tire had the same problems.

I think I've been robbed by how much it takes to replace my tires. I'm more worried about my money then anything else. I might be dumb with my money at times, and sure I could always use improvement but I haven't ever gotten to the point with no savings. I've always had that safety blanket. So today I am officially panicking over it. At the end of the day what can you do?

Can I pull out the "this economy sucks" card?

Oh well, I'm sure I'll figure things out. I bet I'm not the only person who has been where I am at now. It sure is scary though.

Note to self: Save more money.

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