
How Rude!

I have a tendency to offend people...

shocker, I know.

This has really gotten me to start thinking about it. I have my opinions, and so do you. Even if we don't agree on a subject, can't we be friends? I have to laugh every time someone tells me that they read my blog and was "upset" over something I wrote.

First of all - Why are you taking time out of your precious life to read my blog if you don't like what I say?

Second - I don't plan what I write. Thats the beauty of this blog. I write how I feel at the time, I swear (Yeah, sometimes I even say shit... the horror!), I make fun of things, most importantly though I am always myself.

I make mistakes and say dumb things, but I don't want to feel like I have to sensor myself for anyone. I love reading blogs where people are honest and speak from their heart - even if I don't agree with what they are saying or not. I know people who "secretly" read this blog and then turn around and tell my other friends and family members about it. I started to get nervous about it and did think about going private. Then I thought to myself...

My views are hilarious (ok - maybe I'm the only one who thinks that), and I have done nothing to be ashamed of.

So fellow bloggers look forward to more questionable content, because I am a horrible person.

The End.


Jill said...

Keep it up! Say shit lots for me. :)

Shawn said...

Heh, heh----love the rant!!!

I hope you took a great big tantrum while you were at it!!

By the by, clever girl, I tagged you over on my blog---fun, fun!!!

Alaina Ione said...

Number one - I am offended. But only because you said you were a horrible person. Haha. You're NOT at all. I love what you have to say, especially because you're so freakin honest! That's the beauty of it! I hate fake people. They're just retarded. So you just keep at it and don't you give a shit about what those others who would be offended will think. You're great as you are. Period.

Heather said...

Ok, first I'm sitting here trying to figure out what in the world is offensive on here. I got nothin'.

Second, I couldn't have said it better myself.