
A little something

I feel like I should post something. Something funny, interesting, maybe even witty. Although I am afraid I am out of all of those traits right now. So I guess I will write about some random things.

This last weekend seems like a giant blur. I wish I could remember exactly what all happened. I have a hard time separating Friday night's Grizzlie game from Saturdays "surprise birthday party" for my dad (I could write an entire post on that drama alone). I did take it easy Sunday though. Slept in until noon, ate lunch at three, and then played board games with Brandon's family until midnight. On a side note - I am amazed how a family can get by with very little drama. Hanging out with the Wilde's reminds me how dysfunctional my family is.

Also... remember this rant? Yeah well, for whatever reason I bought the damn movie and watched it yesterday. I think secretly I wanted to watch it again. I felt like I didn't give it a fair chance, so after seeing it at the store, I bought it. I have to say that I do like it, I think it's even worth buying and keeping. A girl has the right to change her mind right? I just get lost in Twilight. This crazy place where I completely forget my woes and drama in my life. Not many books, movies, or even people can do that for me.

Another random thought that I can't get out of my head right now is buying the Kindle 2. I have yet to come up with a reason big enough to justify me spending $359.00 on a device that lets me read on it. Sure, you can download all sorts of books and take it with you everywhere you go. Sure, it has a battery life of four days. Sure, it's super small and could go everywhere with you. But really - I'm not sure if I should. Thats a lot of money to be investing in something like that right now. I am not made out of money, even if a part of me thinks I am sometimes. I think it would be perfect for my silly romance novels I read all the time. I usually only read them once and they take up so much space on my bookshelf when I could be putting better books on there. In fact, not even a week ago I just boxed up well over a 100 paperback romance books. Thats silly, I could have this device and never have to worry about it. Also, books I want to read but cant find it in stores easily I can just download from amazon. Great! Here I go again talking myself into it... will someone please tell me this is a bad idea?

I probably won't have much time to read anymore anyway now that school starts back up today. I feel burnt out and want a break. Last week I didn't have any school, it was beautiful. This term I have - small animal nutrition and nursing on Mondays, basic hematology on Tuesdays (until 10:30 at night mind you), and then on Fridays I have my clinic shift and strategies for success. Sounds exciting, right? I'm actually taking on a bigger work load then last quarter...lets hope I make it.

A little update on my mom before I sign off. When I went back to her house like stated in the last post she wasn't there. That day she became sick and in pain again and was admitted back to the hospital and has been there since then. The feeder tube they had wasn't working properly, so Saturday they took her to surgery to have a feeding tube go straight into her stomach. They are not sure when they will release her, which I think is a good thing. She can have someone to take care of her better then I ever could. I am sure though she would rather be at home.

The weather in Utah is starting to shape up and look like spring - a new beginning is just around the corner, I can feel it.


Jen and Jaylie said...

you are CRAZY but that is why I love you !!! do whatever makes you happy Rachel!

Brandon Wilde said...

A new beginning is just around the corner. Things are going to happen now. Good things.

Shawn said...

Yes---good things! I am still praying for your Mom's recovery.

I am glad that you got a good game night---we had my son's birthday party on Sunday and we played games until late---we love to do that!

And about that book thingy---I just love HAVING the books---I know, I'm weird, but they make me happy...

p.s---I sent your prize in the mail today!! :)